Toddler Soccer Adventure Birthday Party

For kids that love team sports, Toddler Soccer Academy’s facility has two indoor fields for your child to celebrate their next adventures.

The soccer parties are packed with high-energy fun, using imaginative coaching techniques and a continuous flow of new games and activities.

Have fun in a Bubble Soccer game

After 45 minutes of fun on the field, the kids will go out in their own human-sized bubbles to play a game of Bubble Soccer.

It is a unique version of soccer with a twist: each player is enveloped inside a giant inflatable bubble, so they can try to score by bouncing, rolling, bumping, and crashing into each other.

After 90-minutes of soccer fun, kids will be ready to sit down and devour lunch with cake.

Birthday party pakage includes:

PRICE: 12 kids + Parent = $499 + GST

Contact us

For more information about dates and prices, please send an email to or call us at 1 (604) 562-3453.

Come see our new indoor facility at Sport Mall:

Open 7-days a week (9:00AM – 9:00PM)

Any question? Contact us: | +1 (604) 562-3453